Monday, November 29, 2010

The adventures of Alison and Allyson

This post should really be the length of a novel, but seeing as it's almost midnight and I need to get up early to do some work, it's going to be short for now. Mostly I just wanted to show off what has become a rather lengthy album (well 3 pictures) of Alison and I eating ridiculous food in ridiculous places.

Exhibit A: Eating whole veggies on the mountain. (I believe this one has already made its debut on the blog).

Exhibit B: Eating kiwis on a different section of the Andes. As Alison puts it, "what goes down when you don't have any utensils to cut the kiwis". I would argue that, utensils or not, this was bound to happen.

Exhibit C: Eating bread and cheese/salami at the beach (we are so chilean, oh my goodness). This is what happens when you sleep through your hostel's complimentary breakfast. P.S. Please note the awesome chilean sunglasses.

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